November 21, 2009

The Board of Directors held a Board meeting on November 21, 2009 at the Galveston Country Club. Jerry Mohn, President called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. A quorum of Directors was present with the attendance of: Jeff Southard – Dunes of West Beach, Ron Coker – Bermuda Beach, Boyd Carr- Isla Del Sol, Peggy Zahler – Spanish Grant Beach, Tom Boothe – Condominiums, Clay Lewis – Sportsman Road, Sidney McClendon – Pirates Beach, Debra Phelps - Pointe San Luis, Barbara Piersol – Spanish Grant Bay, and Sam Morella – Acapulco Village. Susan Gonzales – CKM Property Management was also present and recorded the minutes.

Introductions of Officials and Corporate Sponsors was held. Corporate Sponsor Johnson Space Center was represented by Peggy Zahler. Jerry recognized City Council Member Karen Mahoney, Dianna Puccetti and Barbara Roberts both former Galveston City Council members, Jerry Kinnear – Parks Board Chair, Judge Jim Schweitzer, Linda Sullivan – Aide to Ron Paul and our guest speaker, Congressman Ron Paul.

Candidates running for office at the meeting included Jack Roady running for District Attorney, Jim Schweitzer running for Judge, John Grady running for Judge County Court #1, and Joe Jaworski – running for Mayor of Galveston.

A moment of silence was given for recently deceased Board Member, Sharon Ryan, from Jamaica Beach.

The minutes were emailed to the Board. Upon motion duly made by Peggy Zahler and seconded by Tom Boothe, the Board approved the minutes as presented by unanimous vote.

Treasurer report was given. WGI reported total earned revenue of $25,000 with Net income of -$1980 due to consultant expenditure. Upon motion duly made by Peggy Zahler and seconded by Tom Boothe, the Board accepted the financial statement as presented by unanimous vote.

Alice Ann O’Donell invited all to attend on December 13, a breakfast at the Galveston Country Club on December 12 to discuss the Sandhill Cranes and then take a tour to see the Sandhill Cranes.

Congressman Ron Paul: Jerry Mohn introduced Congressman Ron Paul. Jerry stated he has worked with Ron Paul for the past 10 years. His office is always open and this is the third time he has addressed our group. Ron Paul introduced his wife Carol.

Ron Paul stated: The big event, The Medical Care Bill is being voted on by the Senate to debate the issue. Debate is on how much more government are we going to have and how much more money is it going to cost us.

How did we get into this economic situation, too much spending and borrowing. Too much regulation, this is the environment we have created. Protection of property rights is needed. Contracts should be enforced not destroyed, government should be enforcing. The U.S. has helped to bankrupt companies – they now own GM. Wages are sky high, in the auto industry we bought them out of the problems rather then let them file bankruptcy and let the system work. Real wages are going down and the standard of living is also going down. We need to weed out the bad naturally.

Ron believes in spending the money here and not overseas. Government is totally out of control. Control over our rights should be local and not national. With all the control we will eventually eliminate the middle class.

Ron favors minimal government and low taxes. He is not against all programs but wants the programs to pay for themselves.

Ron does not agree with bailouts but believes in the free enterprise. We need more liberty, freedom and property rights to help restore our economy.

Q: Financial aspect for the future.

A. You can predict trends, do not know the timing, some event will predict the end, concerned about our Iranian and Pakistan involvement.

Q. Energy cost and global warming.

A. Study both sides of the issues, some of the discussion on global warming my be a myth, nuclear energy is the safest and cleanest. Ron does not feel we need to send our troops to protect the oil, they will have to sell it and if not it could force us to work on electric cars.

Q. You support those things that produce income, beaches get less money every year.

A. Position: if anyone has a request, he will make the request, results are far better than realized. He wants to cut spending overseas, if he cuts there he could put the money to the deficient and he could support other interests. Will not add one more nickel because it is deficient financing;

Q. If a person needs help and no one will help such as your neighbor, church and family – then the government should help.

A. It is not the government’s responsibility to help the individual it is the individual’s responsibility.

Q. After Ike – concerned with if the hurricane had taken a different path and it would have hurt our economy.

A. It is a threat to your home, smaller threat than if it hit the chemical industry. He recommended tax credits need to cut money somewhere else to pay for the barriers. If Louisiana opens up the way, he will apply for Texas.

The audience gave a standing ovation to Congressman Ron Paul at the conclusion of his presentation.

Register to Vote: Notice: Please register to vote. If you live out side of Galveston, one member can vote here and one where you live.

Elevation of FM3005, it is not an elevation, but is an overlay. TexDot will elevate at the end of the seawall – it will be raised 13’.

Karen Mahoney – City Council Report: representing District 6. National Adoption Day – abused children, parental rights ended. At Moody Gardens the event for adoption is occurring today. Foster parents are greatly needed.

Hazard Mitigation buy out is working on and closing will be December 6, 2009. After buy out the lots will be public property and then the city can enter into a lease with the Association, it can be for parking with no paving, build a restroom.

GLO announced if we have another Ike we would not have a buy out program. Pirates Beach asked what was happening on the lift stations; Brandon Wade is working with FEMA to repair.

Golf carts, Galveston City Council formed a committee, it has been split into two committees, west end and behind the seawall.

There are still properties not being cleaned up. For the city to take its step the property has to be declared unsafe, hazardous. The City is working to adopt rules on handling.

Today the City of Galveston is handing out free trees to whomever wants to plant them.

Brandon Wade, Assistant City Manager is leaving in January for another job. Karen Mahoney was asked to be sure whom ever takes his place we want assurance that the transition does not drop the ball on many outstanding issues.


A Cell tower is being placed at Pointe San Luis to help with reception. Others may be installed later.

Beach Renourishment from the end of the Seawall to 13 Mile Road - a permit has been granted. Construction will start in March/April. There will be monitoring during turtle season and Piping Plover season.

Jerry Mohn announced a City Manager meeting on December 7, 2009 at 10:00 a.m., City Hall, Room 204. Send in issues to Jerry Mohn.

There being no further business to come before the Board the meeting was adjourned at 10:35 pm.

Susan Gonzales


The minutes were distributed by email. Upon motion duly made by Tom Boothe, and seconded by Peggy Zahler, the following resolution was adopted by unanimous vote. RESOLVED THAT, the Board approved the minutes of October, 2009 as presented.

Marty Bileck gave the financial report. Marty stated that the total assets are $22,112, cash is $20,013. $16,441 was expended on the lobbyist. Upon motion duly made by Peggy Zahler and seconded by Tom Boothe, the following resolution was adopted by unanimous vote. RESOLVED THAT, the Board approved the Treasure report.