City Managers Meeting

February 15, 2007 Room 204, City Hall 1:30 PM


City: City Manager – Steve LeBlanc; Director of Public Works* – Brandon Wade; Police Chief - Ken Mack

WGIPOA: Tom Boothe, Tom Grace, Patti LeClear, Wanda Greer, Jerry Mohn

*Brandon Wade had several members of the Public Works Department in attendance for a better understanding of the issues and concerns expressed by Chamber members. The members included: Angelo Grasso – Senior Assistant Director; Eric Wilson – Assistant Director of Utilities; Keith Stovall – Street Maintenance and Traffic; Mike Dricks – Public Works Special Events and Traffic Manager

Topics of Discussion

Department of Public Works

    1. Sands of Kahala
      1. The ditch between us and 3005 really needs mowing. Is that a TexDOT issue?
      2. Response: It is a TEXDOT issue and Angelo will send an Email to the area Supervisor, Bill Babbington, to mow the area.

      3. One of our power poles on our street does not have a light. It is really dark. We could use a street light there. What are the chances of that?
      4. Response: The City will investigate and they would like to know the specific location Sands of Kahala would like the light.

      5. What are the chances of getting the little pond next to the Escapes cleaned up of flotsam?

      Response: This is a Planning Department issue and Brandon will check it out.

    2. Indian Beach:
    1. When will the sewers be installed?
    2. Response: The sewers are under design for the area. The bonds for construction will probably be let in February, 2008. If there are not any problems with easements, it could take possibly one year to install and build out.

    3. When will the streets be repaved?
    4. Response: The streets will be paved when the sewer lines are completed. It is not economically beneficial to do the roads now, and then tear them up when the sewers are constructed, and then pave the roads again. Brandon, however, will see that the current pot holes are patched.

    5. When will the road right away easement be cleaned up?  There are trees growing in the ditches which are in that easement.
    6. Response: The City does not mow the ditches in front of people’s homes. It is the responsibility of the homeowner to mow the ditches or have the home owners association hire someone to mow.

    7. The drain pipes on the beach need to be cleaned out.  When will that occur?
    8. Response: Brando assigned the work to be done.

    9. Update on drainage study for the area.

Response: City Council approved the study last week and the project will take 6 months to complete.

    1. Spanish Grant Beach:
    1. Drainage Project: The subdivision is ready to proceed and would like an update and timing for the project.
    2. Response: The City will do as soon as possible. This has a very high priority and they will fit it into a schedule.

    3. New Light: The new light for West Ventura that the City of Galveston has approved under their allotment with Center Point Energy.  This approval took place in May, 2006, and to date we still do not have our light.  They advise the new light is coming but delays are due to technical problems. Spanish Grant Beach is in danger without the light because of the erosion at the end of that street.  We are afraid because it is so dark that someone will drive off onto the beach and be harmed.  The security officer for the subdivision agrees with this assessment.

Response: The City will pursue and Brandon also suggested to contact David Murphy of CenterPoint Energy. J. Mohn gave the information to Mr. Murphy at the Saturday WGIPOA meeting. 

    1. Pirates Beach/Cove: Update on a drainage study for the area.
    2. Response: Brandon was hopeful that all is necessary is a preliminary engineering work. However, he did mention this could lead to something more substantial. It was also indicated that the outfall ditches are actually higher than the ditches running to them and this is a problem.

    3. Palm Beach: Update on the drainage study for the area.
    4. Response: City Council approved the study last week and the project will take 6 months to complete. There is a concern about the piped in ditches in Palm Beach. To make it drain properly, the City may have to remove the pipes all along the frontage area. A pump station here may also be necessary.

    5. Bermuda Beach: A request is again made for a Dead End sign at the corner of John Reynolds circle and Bermuda Beach Drive because people do not know and back up in the driveways, especially with an RV.
    6. Response: The city will prepare and install the sign after Fat Tuesday, 2/20. This will be done by Keith Stovall and Mike Dricks.

    7. Terramar:
    1. Sewer and Water Lines: It would be good to know with an approximate date when all this water and sewer work will be complete and the ditches on each side of 3005 cleared and the roads paved.
    2. Response: The City is ready to advertise for bids as soon as an easement is completed. It is a critical one and all the City needs is a 10 foot utility easement. The delay is from the property owner who is not eager to grant the easement. The price keeps going up from a token value to an appraised value. The owner also would like all fees waived and other expenses. The plans are 100% ready

    3. Sewer Treatment Plant: The plant should have better landscaping. The existing oleanders are inside the fence and certainly do not hide or improve the appearance of the plant.

Response: The construction is not finished and when it is done, the landscape will be replaced and brought back. The new plant is now in operation. The old plant, "the Green Monster", is going away and no need to worry about the landscaping.

    1. Sportsman Road
    1. Sanitary sewers: The number one priority for the Sportsman Road area is installation of a sanitary sewer system. Before the roads can be improved, a sewer system is necessary.
    2. Response: The catalyst in getting sewers and projects for this area is the Sweetwater Development at the north end of 8 mile road. The development’s infrastructure will be financed through a PID (Public Improvement District) and this should be approved by City Council the first week of March. There will be a lift station that will force the main and water lines to Stewart Road lift station. The new lift station, which is under design, will also handle the Sportsman Road area as well. All the homes will have to have grinder pumps. The question was raised by the President of the Sportsman Road Association who to contact on grinders at the City and that is Eric Wilson.

    3. Bridge repair.  The small bridge at about mile 1 is deteriorating and should be evaluated and repaired.  No work has been done on this bridge in a very long time, and erosion damage can be easily seen.  This bridge carries heavy type vehicles, as many full school buses come across it daily, and just that fact makes us worry about its safety.  We are also concerned that without adequate preventative maintenance, the bridge will be destroyed in the next storm.
    4. Response: The City will go out to inspect the bridge and do an assessment.

    5. Road Repair: Along the road there are several areas where the existing rip rap that protects the road from erosion needs to be replenished.  This erosion is especially evident at the very end of the road, where some of the roadway has washed away.  Again, some preventative maintenance will keep the road safe and intact in the event of a storm.
    6. Response: Keith Stovall will go out and investigate to determine what is necessary for a preventative maintenance program.

    7. Road Elevation: Once the sewer is installed, Sportsman Road will be re-surfaced. Once the project is sent out for bid, the road’s elevation should be raised about 6" when the road is resurfaced to help with access during storms.  Once or twice a year, on average, the road is underwater just with a high tide.  With more and more people living full time on this road, we are concerned about a fire truck or ambulance getting in and out during these high tides, as well as resident’s needs to get in and out.

Response: Brandon will request the LAN engineering firm to determine the costs in elevating the road by 6 inches.

    1. Isla del Sol: There is a lot of water standing along FM 3005 after a rain storm. Is this the result of the new water line that was installed recently?
    2. Response: The standing water is not caused by the new sewer water line but mainly from the topography. Hopefully, a lot of this will be resolved when FM 3005 is elevated and proper outfall ditches, culverts, and drains are constructed. The drainage along FM 3005 is a TEXDOT responsibility.

    3. Gulf Palms: Bristow Drive: Please advise status in cleaning out the ditches and culverts from Bristow Road to 16 Mile Road. An engineering report was not necessary to clean this area and the ditches are full.
    4. Response: A study is required and part of the engineering design work is currently underway. The need is to figure out where the drainage outfall is and to re-grade the ditches. Angelo mentioned the low point of the roadway is from the west end of the subdivision. In addition, the pipes in the subdivision vary from 18 inches to 8 inches and very difficult for the water to drain properly. Now, west and east drain to 16 mile road and the low point is the west side and drains to the east and all to the 8 inch pipe, which cannot handle any heavy flow. In addition, pipes under the driveways are a problem, because in some the high point is the middle of the driveway and the low point is the other end and the difference could be one foot in elevation. The water cannot possibly drain adequately in these areas. The City is spending time in evaluating the drainage and the engineering work will have specific recommendations to hopefully resolve the problem.

    5. Gulf Palms/Karankawa: The area is very appreciative of the City’s effort to remove the standing water. During the last storm, the hoses used are still too short and need more length to run down to the waters edge to minimize beach/dune erosion from pumping.
    6. Response: To obtain longer hoses and bigger pumps will cost in excess of $15,000 and City Council will have to approve. Brandon will request approval

    7. Acapulco Village/Karankawa/Gulf Palms:
    1. Status of drainage design and engineering work for this area.
    2. Response: It is underway and should be completed in 6 months.

    3. Status of sanitary and storm sewers for the area
    4. Response: Target is in the year 2008 but depends on the outcome of the engineering study that is currently underway.

    5. Anticipated tap costs

Response: The cost will be $350 to tap the sewer line. There will also be a cost to pump and clean out the septic tank. There are several firms that perform this service and the property owners need to negotiate the best value. It will also require a plumbing permit.

    1. Acapulco Village: Approximate date for new sewers.
    2. Response: The City has a concern about the private streets in Acapulco Village and liability issues when the sewers are installed. Brandon advised the City will pursue and talk to the property owners. The engineering phase for installation of the sewers is under the design phase now.

    3. Sunny Beach: Status on the demolition of the old water tank.
    4. Response: The City plans to widen 11 mile road and they need an easement from the owner. For mitigation, the City is willing to let the owner use the land under the Sunny Beach water tank. To get the easement then, the water tank will have to be demolished and come out soonest.

    5. FM3005: There is an old unused telephone pole in the median of FM 3005 at the 13-mile road crossover. The pole is still standing and not in use and should be removed.
    6. Response: The City has already requested CenterPoint Energy and will do again. J. Mohn gave the information to Mr. Murphy at the Saturday WGIPOA meeting. 

    7. Utility Poles: With the new utility poles being installed along FM 3005 and Stewart Road, will the city/state require the utility contractors to re-grade the road shoulders? Huge ruts are left on the shoulders.

Response: The City will advise CenterPoint Energy to be re-grading the road shoulders. J. Mohn gave the information to Mr. Murphy at the Saturday WGIPOA meeting. 

Department of Public Safety

    1. Sand of Kahala:
      1. Cars on the beach: We have seen quite a few cars driving on the beach east to west. They must be getting on at the east entrance by the horse stables. The bollards may have washed out or signage is not clear or at low tide the bollards do not extend far enough. This is an issue of both police patrolling and adequate demarcation.
      2. Response: The Chief will get with Public Works to install the bollards and that adequate signage is placed in the area. It was later pointed out that the bollards have already been replaced.

      3. Horses: What are the rules about riding horses on the beach? We have seen groups pull up with their trailers, unload their horses and gallop off at significant speeds. If this is not legal (which we hear it is not) do we call the dispatch?
      4. Response: There is an ordinance that allows horses on the beaches in the west end from Memorial Day through Labor Day from 9:00 AM in the morning to 8:00 PM at night, except Memorial Day, July 4, and Labor Day. Between 7.5 and 9 mile road, horses are allowed year around. The stipulation is the horses cannot cross any sand dunes. There are no requirements on the speed.

      5. Police Patrols: We would also like to see an increase in the presence of police officers on the road (FM 3005) to discourage speeding, littering/dumping (the installed signs are not working) and the possibility of vandalism and theft.

      Response: There are at least three officers each shift (3 per day) including a sergeant. The Chief advised there are still 30 openings in the police force but there are 12 new officers finishing up in the training academy that will be added soon. The west end is adequately covered now, especially with all the new development.

    2. Indian Beach:
    1. Trash: The area is still a dumping ground for trash, large appliances and landscape companies.  We would like to see more enforcement and tickets issued.
    2. Response: Brandon will request the Compliance Officer to make patrols of this area at least every two weeks. The Chief will advise the police officers to patrol this area more effectively.

    3. Patrols: Indian Beach would like to engage off duty police officers to patrol the area and would appreciate information on a program.

Response: Contact Officer Gordon Morse at 682-3603 or Lt. Tors in the Police Department.

    1. MUD 1 Building: It was mentioned in the past the building could be used for police work – filling out reports, taking calls, etc. Appreciate an update.

Response: The Chief mentioned it will not be necessary for an officer to be at the former MUD 1 building because all the patrol cars will be equipped with a laptop computer. The laptops have been purchased and being phased in now into the patrol cars and should be complete by the end of the year. This will enable the officer to fill reports immediately and to be on the road most of the time patrolling an area. As far as taking calls, everything goes through the dispatch.

Brandon mentioned that the MUD 1 Building is now open 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM and it is capable in taking water bill payments. They cannot make change but will take cash. They cannot take credit cards yet. If there is any problem with water or trash to call: 737-2778.