November 18, 2006

Jerry Mohn, President, called the Board of Directors meeting for the West Galveston Island POA to order at 9:05 a.m. Directors making up the quorum were Jerry Mohn, Peggy Zahler - Spanish Grant Beach, James DeFord – Spanish Grant Bay; Marie Garrett – Bermuda Beach, Steve Magee – Isla Del Sol, and John Schiller – Acapulco Village. Susan L. Gonzales – Acting Secretary (CKM Property Management).

Corporate Sponsors Peggy Zahler with Johnson Space Center Credit Union and Vic Pierson – Moody National Bank and Mayor of Jamaica Beach were acknowledged.

Minutes were sent by email and reviewed by the Board. Upon motion duly made by Peggy Zahler and seconded by John Schiller, the following resolution was adopted by unanimous vote.

RESOLVED THAT, the minutes of October 21, 2006 were approved as presented.

Jerry Mohn gave the financial report. Cash on hand $29,913.14, total assets: $32,088 outstanding liabilities $14,985 and net equity at $17,103. Upon motion duly made by Peggy Zahler and seconded by Steve Magee, the following resolution was adopted by unanimous vote.

RESOLVED THAT, the financial report was approved as presented.

Galveston City Police Officer Hilton, Wilson and Courtney were recognized. These Officers are now patrolling the West End.

GALVESTON COUNTY COMMISSIONER EDDIE JANEK: A tribute was given to Eddie Janek for serving Galveston as the Galveston County Commissioner of Pct 2 for sixteen years. Jerry Mohn presented an appreciation plaque. Commissioner Janek has served the west end community well and will be missed by all. Vic Pierson, Mayor of Jamaica Beach, presented Commissioner Janek with a key to the city.

FRIENDS OF GALVESTON ISLAND STATE PARK (FOGISP) (http://www.fogisp.org/ – "State Parks in Peril".

Jerry Mohn introduced Dr. Tom Linton, President of the Friends of Galveston Island State Park. Dr. Linton stated that the park covers 2000 acres. The State Parks responsibilities are to manage the State parks and historical sites to conserve natural and cultural resources, provide health recreation and educational opportunities and foster an understanding of the beauty. Educational opportunities include studying the Texas Buffalo Soldiers, the local fish, and animals.

State Parks include the historic military forts and the Battleship USS Texas, which sits in water and requires costly repairs. Other Texas State Park sites include Texas San Jacinto Battleground & Monument, Alamo, Casa Narraro – Home of the signing of the Texas Independence, Big Bend Ranch, Caddo Lake, /Colorado Bend, Guadalupe River and Palo Dura Canyon – World Birding Center.

The Texas State Park budget has been reduced drastically over the past five (5) years by lack of funds. Personnel costs have increased as well as the cost to maintain the parks have increased. Since 2002 operational costs increased over $6 million. In December 2005, 73 positions were eliminated, hours the parks were opened had to be reduced, and reserves were focused on prime sites.

TRPA Grant Program – Recreation Grants and Assistance. These grants helped with outdoor park and recreation land and facilities, indoor recreation facilities and community outdoor outreach programs. Galveston received over a five (5) year period $3.5 million. The Parks system also uses workforce partnerships by using park volunteer labor and inmate labor.

The Parks provide "Family Fishing Celebration" – free fishing in State Parks and free use of fishing equipment. This encourages you to go to the park and fish.

There are four (4) measures of economic impact: Direct expenditures, Impact on Sales, Personal Income and Job Measure.

Impact of Galveston State Park is from sales $6.1 million, Personal Income is $2.3 Million, Jobs Created is 109.3 jobs and Sales tax generated is $30,500. All Texas State Parks had sales of $793 million, personal income of $456 million, with 11,929 jobs created.

The State Park facilities wear down from millions of users. The facility and grounds equipment need continuous repair and replacement, and the Parks are now using very old vehicles. The force of mother natural destroys and erodes facilities and land. Maintaining the infrastructure that is 30 – 70 years old is very costly. There have been four (4) studies which state that the parks are under funded and need more money.

There are three (3) Phases to correct the problems: Presentation and focus for interested park users; Encourage groups and individuals; and, to write or meet with members of the legislation about their support. The Commissioners Court of Galveston has gone on record in supporting additional funding for the State Park. We need to request the Legislators to raise the cap of money coming to the State Parks.


Upon motion duly made by Peggy Zahler and seconded by John Schiller, the following resolution was passed by unanimous vote.

RESOLVED THE, the Board of the West Galveston Island POA supports increasing funding for the Parks and a resolution to this effect will be prepared and sent to various legislators, including State Senator Steven Ogden, Chairman of the Senate Finance Committee..

POLICE OFFICERS: Officer Sergeant Courtney answered questions from the members. Coyotes are coming out and have been seen on the West end. It was recommended that the owners call the police and report that a dog is out and is a threat to life. Also call Animal Control, Bubba Jennings.

Questions concerning Golf Cart rules were referred to Officer Butch Stroud and need to call 409-765-3600. An Officers main concern is that no one without a license is allowed to drive a golf cart.

A question concerning being provided a list of the crimes and their location was asked. Officer Courtney stated the police have a Crime Mapping Program – Police can pin point where crime is, someday this will be online. If this information is wanted go to the police station the Thursday before the WGIPOA meeting and you can go to records and ask for a crime report.

PROPANE TANK: Sandhill Shores has concerns about safety due to the installation of an 18,000-gallon propane tank in Sunset Cove. The Board felt more information was needed, before further action can be taken by the WGIPOA Board. Jerry Mohn will contact Sunset Cove to set up a meeting with neighboring subdivisions and the WGIPOA Board to hear about the installation.

CIAP – Energy Bill: Requests need to be in soonest and you can begin filing on December 1st.

TAX CAPS: The WGIPOA Board met with Craig Eiland on appraisal caps on real property. Craig felt that it is not a State issue but a local issue and should be pursued with the City or County. He will support a local option for a city or county to impose there own appraisal or revenue cap system. The WBIPOA Board wants to pursue the caps and will meet with Senator Kyle Janek for his opinion and support.

There being no further business to come before the Board the meeting was adjourned 10:40 a.m.