January 8, 2005

A special luncheon meeting of the West Galveston Island Property Owners Association Board of Directors was held on January 8, 2005, at the Galveston Country Club. Jerry Mohn, President, called the meeting to order at 12:15 PM Directors in attendance were: Jerry Mohn, Sidney McClendon (Pirates Beach/Cove)-Vice President, James Stewart (Isla del Sol), Bill Moll (Spanish Grant Bay), Doug Eibsen and Wanda Greer (Terramar), and Al Birdwell (Bermuda Beach).

Program of Work: The Board was pleased with 2004 accomplishments and established 2005 program of work as follows:

What we accomplished in 2004:

For 2005 we plan to:

Nominating Committee/Elections: Jerry Mohn appointed Wanda Greer and Doug Eibsen to Chair the Nominating Committee for the upcoming elections. Terms of office expires for Jerry Mohn and Bermuda Beach (Al Birdwell). At the January 15, 2005, meeting, the Nominating Committee will recommend to nominate for a three year term from March 1, 2005, through February 28, 2008 the expiring members, Jerry Mohn and Bermuda Beach.

In addition, the Board recommended increasing members of the Board from the current 8 to 11. The Board recommended the new Board members to include Spanish Grant Beach, Acapulco Village, and Pointe San Luis. The February meeting will be the annual meeting for the members and elections of board members and officers. Floor nominations from Members are also applicable preceding the election.

The Board recommended changing the quorum for a meeting from a majority to 40% of the Executive Committee to be present.

Upon motion duly made by Sidney McClendon and seconded by Al Birdwell, the Board amends Article V, Section 4, Quorum, to reflect that 40% of the Executive Committee present at a meeting shall constitute a quorum.

Budget: The proposed budget of $20,560 with a profit of $700 was not acceptable. The Board would like to see more expenses on public relations. Therefore, public relations expenses were increased by $3,000 and the revenue to make up the expense will come from Corporate Sponsors. The Board will solicit 6 corporate sponsors at $500. The Board will key West End builders, title companies, and realtors. The new budget now is $23,560 in revenue, $22,860 in expenses and a $700 profit.

Political Consultant: The WGIPOA Board supports payment of the political consultant through the Galveston County Beach Erosion Task Force. The projected costs for the upcoming fiscal year are $9,990.

Legislative Agenda: Besides increasing CEPRA funding to hopefully $25 million, the Board agreed the most important legislation to pass in the upcoming 79th Texas Legislative Session is the Coastal Protection and Improvement Bill. Sidney McClendon will continue to monitor and direct the efforts. The Political Consultants used by the Galveston County Beach Erosion Task Force will be very active during this time to promote the Bill. The WGIPOA will also work closely with the Coastal Coordination Council and the GLO.

City Manager Meetings: The Board agreed to continue the quarterly City Managers meeting with the Board of Directors. These meetings have been very effective and worthwhile and have benefited the subdivisions.

Public Relations: The Board was pleased with the public relations efforts and would like to expand with more frequency. The Board recommends we continue to advertise in the "Islander" and to send copies to various City and County officials.

West Bay Restoration: The project will be re-activated to seek State and Federal funding for a marsh bay restoration project that would involve Terramar, Isla del Sol and Sun Set Cove.

Sponsorship: The WGIPOA will continue to sponsor annual meetings, conferences, etc, by the ASBPA and GLO. The visibility of our logo at these events have increased the public awareness of the WGIPOA efforts.

Other - Anchor Bay Development: Bill Moll of Spanish Grant Bay discussed the events of the new development across from Spanish Grant Bay and the impact on their quality of life. The President advised the WGIPOA has been the mediator between Anchor Bay and Spanish Grant and compromises have been discussed and accepted. However, main issue was the quality of life and impact to Camino Real road. The matter was discussed and the Board agreed to support Spanish Grant Bay efforts in asking Galveston City Council on January 13 to deny the General Land Use Permit application.

Upon motion duly made by Sidney McClendon and seconded by Wanda Greer, the President will address Galveston City Council on January 13, 2005, to deny the General Land Use Plan for Anchor Bay Development.

There being no further business to discuss the meeting was adjourned at 2:20 PM.