May 15, 2004

The meeting of the Board of Directors of the West Galveston Island Property Owners' Association, Inc. was held on May 15, 2004 at the Galveston County Club. Jerry Mohn, President, called the meeting to order at 9:08 a.m. A quorum was established by the attendance of Jerry Mohn President, Sidney McClendon of Pirates Beach, Boyd Carr of Isla Del Sol, Wanda Greer of Terramar, Bill Moll of Spanish Grant Bayside, and Susan Gonzales, Recording Secretary, was also present.

Introductions by Jerry Mohn:

Vic Pierson, Mayor Jamaica Beach; City Council Members Dianna Puccetti, Mayor Bo Quiroga, City Councilman Johnny Smecca; candidate for District 6, Jackie Cole and candidate for Mayor Johnny Smecca. Corporate Sponsors Peggy Zahler with Johnson Space Center Credit Union was present and Vic Pierson with Moody National Bank.

Minutes: The minutes of the April 17 meeting were e-mailed prior to the meeting to all Directors. A motion was made by Wanda Greer and seconded by Bill Moll, the Board approved minutes for April 17, 2004 by unanimous vote.

Treasurers Report by Jerry Mohn:

Equity of $28,900 with $23,000 in cash. Motion by Sidney McClendon, second by Wanda Greer, the Board approved the Treasurer Report.

Appreciation and Acknowledgement of Dedication given by WGIPOA:

Jerry Mohn presented plaques to Mayor Bo Quiroga and Councilwoman Diana Puccetti for their six years of work and dedication to the goals of the West Galveston Island. The plaque for Mayor Quiroga read "In appreciation of your outstanding service to the West End of Galveston Island. 1998 – 2004". The plaque for Council Member Dianna Puccetti read "From a grateful community. We thank you for your dedicated and outstanding service to the West End of Galveston Island. 1998 – 2004"

Coastal Coordination Council (CCC):

Vic Pierson, member of the CCC, stated that they were trying to transfer the sand sock or geotextile policies over to the General Land Office. The CCC is a policy-making entity and should not be involved in the decision-making. Another meeting will be held, date to be announced.

General Land Office and Cepra III:

Jerry Mohn introduced Eddie Fisher, Coastal Director (Coastal Director of Stewardship) for the General Land Office (GLO). Eddie Fisher advised his main areas of responsibility include beach nourishment, dune protection, marsh restoration, and shoreline protection. The people working under him include Ray Newby for beach/dune projects; Mat Mahoney for Cycle II CEPRA; Lourie Council is the Team Leader; and, others in the area include Dennis Rocha, Dr. Juan Moya, and Tom Durnin.

Eddie Fisher made a presentation concerning the CEPRA III funds and their distribution. The CEPRA program started in 1999, funded until August 2005. They are working toward obtaining a secure funding source.

There are three considerations for the program: beach nourishment; beach and marsh restoration; and restoring private and public property. The program has three cycles:

Under CEPRA III there were 77 projects requested with a cost of $36 million, 57 projects unfounded with a cost of $29 million and 20 projects awarded with a cost of $7.38 million.

Eddie Fisher indicated the GLO has gained experience in leveraging funds when you consider the CEPRA III program with $7.38 million of funds was leveraged to $26 million.

CEPRA III Projects in Galveston County

CEPRA III Coast Wide Projects

Picking of Projects: How do projects get picked? Judging is by erosion rate, economic benefits, geographic distribution, emergencies and the amount of money in the program. Also, how funds can be leveraged with other funding sources. The GLO promotes large scale projects – bigger is better. You measure it in how many cubic yards of sand to place on the beach. If you secure Federal funding for projects, your project would be more attractive to FEMA and GLO funding.

A successful beach nourishment project is one that has hundreds of linear feet of sand placed on the beach so that there is some sand still on the beach, 3 – 5 years from the beginning of the project.

Deadline for the Hazard Mitigation Grant is November 15th. To qualify plans must be engineered stamped. The application is on the website: FEMA.gov

Support of the Texas Coastal 2020 program can help in obtaining more funding.

Peggy Zahler with Spanish Grant Beach recommended that the GLO prepare a "source map" for owners and subdivisions to use when looking for funding for projects.

Sidney McClendon of Pirates Beach/Cove commended the GLO and Eddie Fisher for the change in cooperative relationship that has built over the past six (6) years.

CMP Funds: The focus not on protection of shoreline, funded under NOAA, support amenities (i.e., walkovers, restrooms). Contact Melissa Porter

Feasibility Study: Next major project is finalizing the sand sources offshore.

Texas Coastal 2020 Legislation: Regional Advisor Committee finalized the project priority list with the exception of Section 2, who will meet June 10.

PID Status: No change or update since submitting a series of questions prepared by interested subdivisions. Some residents are concerned that this is another tax and feel it is a negative. It is a form of tax, a self imposed tax but for the benefit of helping subdivisions to fund erosion response projects. A PID is a vehicle to fund shoreline restoration projects over a period of time and it is up to the subdivision to decide if they want one.

Parking RV and boats: Ordinances are being rewritten and will be sent out to affected subdivisions for comments.

Property Taxes: If you disagree with the proposed taxes on your property, please protest the valuation by May 31st to the Galveston Central Appraisal District

Friends of Galveston Island State Park: Discussion held on the WGIPOA membership with FGISP.

Motion by Sidney, second by Bill Moll, the Board approved to pay $500 to renew the sustaining membership with the FGISP. Motion passed by unanimous vote.

The Pit: Discussion was held concerning the permit for the hole at Pirates Beach being dug by Blackard Development. The permit expires in June.

Motion by Wanda Greer, second by Boyd Carr, the Board approved that a letter from WGIPOA objecting to the renewal of the permit on the pit, and asking that a public hearing be held. Motion passed by unanimous vote.

Beach Access Plan: Still in litigation and has not been certified. Outcome depending on Judges decision.

Turtle Nesting: A turtle released in 1992 landed on Gilcrest on Bolivar and laid 92 eggs. The projects to repair and cover the sand socks on Bolivar Peninsula and West Galveston Island are on hold most likely until after turtle nesting season ends the end of September.

Anchor Bay Development: Bill Moll, President of Spanish Grant Bay thanked the WGIPOA on the resolution that was adopted at the April 17 meeting. The access road is still an issue, but they are trying to come to an agreement with the developer.

Hurricane Preparedness/Response: Jerry Mohn announced the next meeting will be a joint one with the City of Jamaica Beach on June 19 at the Jamaica Beach Fire Department facility. The program will involve "Hurricane Preparedness and Hurricane Response". Hurricane Claudette caught residents by surprise when they came back to clean up the mess. The program will include response measures after a major storm. There will be booths, soft drinks, food and face painting for children.

There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 11:00 a.m.