February 16, 2002

The meeting of the Board of Directors of the West Galveston Island Property Owners' Association was held on February 16, 2002. The meeting was called to order by Jerry Mohn, President at 9:00 A.M. A quorum of was established by the Directors in attendance: Jerry Mohn, Marty Baker, Sidney McClendon, Susan Turnley, Wanda Greer, Al Birdwell, and Boyd Carr. Peggy Rapp and Jim Steinbeck were absent. Jerry Mohn introduced Jamaica Beach Mayor Vic Pierson, City of Galveston Acting Director of Planning Wendy O’Donohoe, and City of Galveston Council Member Dianna Puccetti. Susan McKirahan with C.K.M. Property Management, Inc. was the Recording Secretary.

Candidates were asked to stand and introduce themselves:  Judge Roy Quintanilla for County Court Number 3;  Jim Schweitzer for Justice of the Peace Precinct 1; Kurk Sistrunk, District Attorney; and, Dianna Puccetti for City Council District 6.

Upon motion duly made by Al Birdwell, and seconded by Marty Baker, the following resolution was unanimously adopted.

RESOLVED THAT, the Board approved the Minutes of January 19, 2002, as presented.

Al Birdwell gave the financial report.  The IRS granted WGIPOA a tax exempt 501(c)4 status. There is $17,000 in cash, expenses through the end of January is $22,000.  Membership dues will be going out shortly.

Upon motion duly made by Marty Baker and seconded the following resolution was unanimously adopted.

RESOLVED THAT, the Board approved the Financial Report and commended Al Birdwell for work on obtaining 501(c)4 designation.

Sharon Turnley chaired the Nominating Committee for the elections for the upcoming fiscal year. Marty Baker is resigning and that the number of active Directors will be reduced from 10 to 9.  It was recommended that the By-laws be amended to allow 7 to 11 directors.  The Board recommended Marty Baker will stay as an Advisory Director with no voting power.

Upon motion duly made by Sharon Turnley, and seconded by Marty Baker, the following resolution was unanimously adopted.

RESOLVED THAT, the Board approved that there will be not be less than 7 directors and no more than 11 and the number is to be set by the Board. For fiscal year 2002 - 2003, the number of Directors will be 9.

Upon motion duly made by Sharon Turnley, and seconded by Al Birdwell the following resolution was unanimously adopted.

RESOLVED THAT, the Board approved to appoint 1 or 2 positions as Advisory Directors and to advise the Board.

Appreciation and gratitude was given to Marty Baker, who was also a main contributor in the formation of the West Galveston Island Property Owners Association..

Upon motion duly made by Sharon Turnley and seconded by Al Birdwell, the following resolution was unanimously adopted.

RESOLVED THAT, the Board approved an amendment to the by-laws to have a minimum of 7 to a maximum of 11 directors.

Upon motion duly made by Sidney McClendon, and seconded by Al Birdwell, the following resolution was unanimously adopted.

RESOLVED THAT, the Board approved to have up to two Advisory Directors to the Board without any voting power.

Upon motion duly made by Sidney McClendon and seconded by Al Birdwell, the following resolution was unanimously adopted.

 RESOLVED THAT, the Board approved to have Marty Baker as an advisory director.

Nominees from the Board nominated Al Birdwell and Jerry Mohn to continue as Directors of WGIPOA with terms expiring in three years.

Upon motion duly made by Sharon Turnley and seconded by Wanda Greer, the following resolution was unanimously adopted.

RESOLVED THAT, the Board approved a vote by acclamation.

Upon motion duly made by Al Birdwell and seconded by Boyd Carr, the following resolution was unanimously adopted.

 RESOLVED THAT, the Board approved the following slate of officers:

Jerry Mohn – President
Sidney McClendon – Vice President
Sharon Turnley – Secretary
Al Birdwell – Treasurer

The guest speaker for today’s meeting, State Senator David Bernsen, Democratic candidate for the Commissioner of the General Land Office, was not able to attend due to flight schedule problem logistics. They would like to re-schedule and address the WGIPOA at a later date.

Marty Baker, with the Beach Erosion Task Force, stated that the CEPRA money of $6.5 Million is coming to Galveston.  We will continue to work towards obtaining money for Galveston.  The GLO is very active in reviewing the sand source studies.  Over all in Galveston has been very active.  A question was asked if we had enough sand.  Marty stated sources of sand was not the problem, but the cost to get the sand is.

Jerry Mohn stated that due to CEPRA II we will receive $2.8 Million for sand projects and dredging projects and the Dellahide cove project.  We got every one of the projects we went for and we feel like this is a major accomplishment.

Wendy O’Donohoe, Acting Director of Planning, advised the Beach Access Plan has been reviewed and there were 156 comments from citizens. A summary of all the comments will be completed and sent to all interested parties as well as on the City of Galveston website.   There is a major concern in addressing areas that are already developed and finding room for beach access.

Sidney McClendon stated that the Delehide Cove Project is still on track.  The GLO states they made an application to the Corp of Engineers and expect the permit to be granted soon.  Once permitted they will complete the design and then start construction, probably by late summer.  The Jumbilee Cove Project is now complete.  The Texas Parks & Wildlife requested under Stage 1 of the CIAP Fund to purchase marsh lands in West Bay. Ted Hollingsworth with the Texas Parks and Wildlife, stated they came up with a proposal for putting more dredged material in the park to elevate and support more marsh grass and establish a bird watching area as well as a marsh area for sea grass.

The Coastal Coordination Council Executive Committee had a meeting on West Galveston Island to discuss the concerns over the use of GEOTUBE® containment systems. They visited three containment system sites, Delanara RV Park, Pirates Beach, and Treasure Island. It has yet to be determined who will control the approval and installation of the containment systems, the GLO, State, City or County?  The question is whether the Federal Government can fund those projects may be determined by who has the controls.   Beach nourishment is constantly needed for containment systems to preserve our coast line and island.  Sidney McClendon stated that former Senator Schwartz said unfavorable comments about Galveston in his presentation to the Executive Committee and is planning to have it transcribed with points of rebuttal of his own.  Mr. Schwartz prefers to preserve the beach by getting the houses off of it while we believe in preserving the beach and the land together. The Coastal Coordination Council will take action on March 5 on the rule points discussed by the Executive Committee at the Galveston meeting.

The Corps of Engineer Feasibility Study on beach erosion from Sabine Pass to San Luis Pass has been authorized in cooperation with Jefferson County and Galveston County.  Galveston has 75% of the cost of the project and Jefferson County has 25%.

Dr. William Seitz with Galveston Texas A&M, has completed a study on the cost to dredge sand to the beach, his conclusions are that at $15 a yard, sand can be placed on the beach economically. The source of the sand is the sand banks off Galveston Island. A presentation on the Sand Source Study will be held in the future at the Galveston County Beach Erosion Task Force meeting.

A lawsuit with the City versus two Bermuda Beach Property Owners was won by the property owners.  The Judge ruled that the City can not prevent the home owners from connecting their utilities and for the GLO not to interfere in the process.

Stage 1 awards for the Coastal Impact Assistance Plan were announced recently and no beach or bay erosion project for Galveston Island were selected. The City and County submitted close to $16 million worth of projects including sand nourishment of beaches, sand source studies, walkovers, signage, and containment systems in bay projects. Stage 2 funding of projects less than $50,000 will begin and awarded in August.

GAIN and West Galveston Island have a joint task force on public safety and met with the police department February 17.  Another meeting is schedule for early March. The task force would like to see more police coverage, more interaction with the community, and to build police sub-stations, particularly one on the West End. Sharon Turnley advised that a Citizens Police Academy was beginning February 27, 2002, and for concerned citizens to participate.

The comprehensive plan should be completed in the next couple of weeks.  With the WGIPOA now as a 501(c)4 civic organization, we cannot fund any lobbying effort and we have to go through a consultant. 

The GLO will hold its fourth Coastal Issues Conference in Corpus Christi, TX, from February 24 to 26. Pat Newsom, Executive Director of the TSBA is helping the GLO sponsor the conference. containment systems will be a topic of discussion.

The FEMA Flood insurance study stated that the City is working out change to the maps and will be voted on this year.

The Beach Access Plan presented by the WGIPOA in conjunction with a West End major landowner’s park recommendation was discussed By Sidney McClendon. Approximately 200 acres of the San Luis Pass area would be dedicated as a park. The County has approximately 65 acres just west of Terramar that could become a park. A presentation of the plan was also made to four property owners associations on the far West End.

With no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned.  

Date        Secretary