March 17, 2001

The meeting of the Board of Directors of the West Galveston Island Property Owners' Association was held on March 17, 2001. The meeting was called to order by Jerry Mohn, President at 9:00 a.m. A quorum of members was established by those in attendance and the proxies received. Jerry Mohn introduced Jimmy Tyree with the GLO; Diana Pucchetti, Galveston City Council. Directors in attendance were: Jerry Mohn, Bill Aimone, Jim Steinbeck, Sidney McClendon, and Pat McAllister. Susan McKirahan with C.K.M. Property Management, Inc. was the Recording secretary.

The financial report was given and it was stated that there is $3,810.93 in the checking account. The yearly invoices have been mailed.

Upon motion duly made Jim Steinbeck and seconded by Bill Aimone, the following resolution was unanimously adopted.

RESOLVED THAT, the Board approved the financial report as presented.

Upon motion duly made by Bill Aimone, and seconded by Jim Steinbeck, the following resolution was unanimously adopted.

RESOLVED THAT, the Board approved the Minutes of February 17, 2001, as presented.

Jimmy Tyree, Coastal Planner with the Coastal Projects Division of the Texas GLO met with engineers and looked at areas for finalizing the sand placement on the beach. There are concerns about the original design of the sand placement in front of the vegetation line since the vegetation line has now grown seaward. They don't want to cover the vegetation with sand. September 1, 2001, the refunding of CEPRA II will begin and the GLO would like all applicants to indicate an interest by June. The GLO would like to begin the new CEPRA II sand nourishment projects and dredging shortly after hurricane season.

Council Member Dianna Pucchetti advised The National League of Cities supports the CARA Bill and the FEMA budget reallocation is being monitored with the representative buy out program to be cut out of the budget.

Jerry Mohn introduced Dr. Judy Wern, Director of Seacamp with the Texas A&M University of Galveston (TAMUG). Dr. Wern discussed Sea Camp, which has been in existence for over 15 years. Sea Camp is a hands on weeklong adventure for 10 to 18 year olds to explore the wonders of marine and estuarine environments. It is an ideal opportunity for renters or residents to let their children learn about marine life and coastal environment. As a Sea Camper children have access to TAMUG research vessels, oceanographic equipment, laboratory facilities and a professional staff enabling you to learn about the ocean through on the water experience. Information on the Sea Camper program can be obtained at: Telephone: 409-740-4525; Fax: 409-740-4894; and, Email: seacamp@tamug.tamu.edu.

Dr. Wern also discussed the type of program TAMUG and the Galveston Independent School District (GISD) developed for the Weis Middle School that teaches children to grow and plant dune grass on West End beaches. The WGIPOA would like to see the program expanded and to work with Weis and other middle schools where various subdivisions on the West End would participate.

Jerry Mohn announced that Jay Smith, President of the Palm Beach Civic Club and a teacher at Weis, volunteered to coordinate with TAMUG and GISD to develop the program for GISD Middle Schools to grow dune plants for WGIPOA subdivisions.

The members of the WGIPOA recommended three nominees to become the new Board member, which are: Bay Harbor, Isla Del Sol and Pointe San Luis Master Association. A call for votes of each Association member in attendance or by Email vote was taken. The following was the outcome of the vote by voice and proxy: Bay Harbor Improvement Association-6 votes; Isla Del Sol Homeowners Association-9 votes; Point San Luis Master Association-5 votes. Boyd Carr, representing IDSHOA will be the new Director. The Officers for the WGIPOA will be as follows:

Sidney McClendon stated that GLO Commissioner Dewhurst and State Representative Patty Gray would revise the Open Beaches Act Draft proposed by the West Galveston Island Property Owner's Association. In addition, the 2 percent hotel/motel sales tax rebate to Galveston, was according to the lobbyist Clay Pope, "DOA", and withdrawn. State Representative Craig Eiland recommended to the GLO to increase the beach user fee by $2.00, which would generate approximately $600,000 a year.

The following bills have been filed:

Upon motion duly made by Sidney McClendon and seconded by Bill Aimone, the following resolution was unanimously adopted:

RESOLVED THAT, the Board approved the list of proposed bills with the ability of the Board to add or delete support based on the Association's goals.

Sidney McClendon stated the $1.6 million Delehide Cove Project, which is sponsored by the Texas Parks & Wildlife, GLO CEPRA, Galveston Bay Foundation, and Pirates Property Owners Asso, has been approved. The $1.6 million program is to extend the GEOTUBES from the Galveston State Park and protect Bird Island. The Coastal Coordination Council will establish a policy relating to GEOTUBES and a series of meetings will be held to evaluate the pros and cons. An off shoot from the CARA Bill is the Coastal Impact Assistance Plan and Texas that could benefit with $24-26 million with 35% targeted for coastal erosion projects.

Pat Newsom, Executive Director of the Texas Shore & Beach Association, stated that the GLO was seeking input on the process. The GLO is putting together workshops to get input on: stream-lining the improvement CMP grants and what they should entail; developing better programs; enhancing research on dredge material for the entire beach; and increasing amount of funding CMP Grants obtain from the Government.

The WGIPOA will have a Web site with an area for logos for corporate sponsors. Jim Casey developed the Pirates Property Owners Assoc. website and will develop the one for WGIPOA; it will be: WGIPOA.com. The cost of the domain name is $50, the monthly fee is $20 with $35 to maintain it.

Upon motion duly made by Sidney McClendon and seconded by Boyd Carr, the following resolution was unanimously adopted:

RESOLVED THAT, the Board approved to spend funds for a web-site.

The major landowners of the West End met with the Steering Committee of the Comprehensive Plan to go over concerns about future development. It was a good meeting and the WGIPOA Comprehensive Plan Committee is monitoring the plan. The biggest concern for the Committee is evacuation of the West End prior to a major storm, conservation development, and coastal erosion.

There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 11:00 a.m.