November 20, 1999

The meeting of the Board of Directors of the West Galveston Island Property Owners’ Association was held on November 20, 1999. The meeting was called to order by Jerry Mohn, President at 10:15. A quorum was established.

By the Director’s present, Sidney McClendon, Jerry Mohn, Lynn Branch, Jim Steinbeck and Charles Caldwell. Susan McKirahan of CKM Property Management, Inc. was also in attendance. Jerry Mohn introduced the elected officials from the City of Galveston.

Upon motion duly made by Lynn Branch and seconded, the following resolution was unanimously adopted.

RESOLVED THAT, the Board approved the Minutes of October 23, 1999.

Upon motion duly made by Charles Caldwell and seconded, the following resolution was unanimously adopted.

RESOLVED THAT, the Board approved the treasurer’s report for November 1999.

Lynn Branch, Director and Chairperson for the Membership Committee, recognized the new corporate members: Southern Union Gas Company, Reliant Energy Company, U.S. National Bank, Moody National Bank, the Bank of Galveston, and Galveston College. The Board expressed appreciation to the new members in joining the Association.

Lynn Branch’s term as President of the Bermuda Beach Improvement Committee expired recently. Al Birdwell has been appointed by their new President as the designee and will replace Lynn on the Board and to chair the Membership and Voter Registration Committee. Lynn Branch will continue to work on the membership committee and the Board expressed its appreciation.

Sidney McClendon, Chairperson of the Government Liaison Committee, met with John Anderson, Department Head of Geology and Geophysics, from Rice University relating to core sand deposits off Galveston Island. The purpose is to establish sources of sand. Rice is studying the rise and fall of the sea level. They are also studying Galveston Island, which is subsiding, and Key West, Florida, which is not subsiding. The Galveston Beach Erosion Task Force has commissioned Rice University to do a study to find sources of sand initially in West Galveston Bay. They will be identified as to where they are and then work with the GLO to dredge.

Discussion was held concerning whether or not the West Galveston Island was experiencing subsidence. There were conflicting reports on this issue.

The Coastal Coordinating Council (CCC) has eleven (11) members, four (4) of which are chosen by the Governor; one of them is Dr. Bill Clayton of Galveston. They will be meeting on December 2, 1999 at 1:30 p.m., at Galveston College and members of the Association will participate. The Sunset Advisory Commission is reviewing the CCC and they have asked the Association comments about the CCC and its activities.

Sidney McClendon reported for the Beach Committee that the Galveston County Beach Erosion Task Force will meet November 23 at which time Shiner Mosely engineering firm will report on the Federal Funding for erosion structures. A discussion was held on the proposed GLO rules for Section 31 of the Texas Administration Code relating to eroded homes, part 15.5, and part 15.7, on the authority to build GEOTUBES and other structures.

Sidney McClendon reported on the GEOTUBE stating that the extended 300 feet to 12 mile road is complete on the East end of Pirates Beach. To complete the project, the owners of the two extended homes in the subdivision are working with Shiner Mosley to place the GEOTUBE in front of the homes. The County has given notice to GLO and given 10 days for a response. If it is a no response to the change order than the County will do the work. The new Dunes will need to be constantly renourished with sand on the beach. Once the GEOTUBE is completed, the dunes will be covered in sand by either the City and/or the County depending on its location. The work will begin in January. Walkovers will be completed and a fence built in front of the GEOTUBES will be completed. There will be a contract with Jim Webb from Texas A&M and the County to do planting and seeding.

Pat Newsom with the Texas Beach and Shore Association stated she had recommended a meeting be set in December to establish committees. Texas Beach and Shore will under take a major lobbying effort in the next Texas legislature.

Janis Lowe, the Chairperson of the Public Relations Committee, has lined up great speakers for the future meetings of West Galveston Island Property Owner’s Association. All member property owners associations were requested to invite all lot and homeowners to attend the meetings to show support of the elected officials.

December 11, 1999

Galveston County Judge Jim Yarbrough

January 15, 2000

State Representative Craig Eiland

February 19, 2000

Galveston Mayor Roger "Bo" Quiroga

Galveston Council Member Dianna Puccetti

March 18, 2000

State Senator Mike Jackson

April 15, 2000 U.S.

Congressman Nick Lampson

Guest speakers from the utility companies made a presentation.

David Murphy with Reliant Energy stated last year there was a problem with pole fires. They are now doing power washing. They are also adding six (6) switches to allow rerouting of power and will be upgrading lines to increase the capacity. David Murphy stated the difference between installing lines overhead versus underground is cost. Underground costs more. Maintenance is not less expensive for underground service. The determining factor is can they be reimbursed for the costs to repair.

Brandon Wade with the Galveston City Water Department reported they received bids on installation of a new water tower on 10 Mile Road on Stewart Road to be completed in 2001. A new water line at FM 3005 from 7 Mile to 10 Mile will be installed. There will be a new water line and plants along Highway 45 and new 36 inch water line from Texas City to Galveston Island. The Plant is being doubled in size. When the water new line comes on stream, the wells will be shut down and the bad smell people have experienced periodically with the water will be eliminated. Future improvements include: a 16-foot water line from 10 Mile Road to Jamaica Beach, a 3 million-gallon storage tank at Jamaica Beach, a 12-inch main from Sunbird to Jamaica Beach, a water tower pump station, a replacement of the treatment plant at Terramar Beach and an improvement of the sewer system to West of Jamaica Beach. These improvements will cause excavation of sand and they will be looking for places to put it. It was recommended that they do an in kind donation. They will work with the City manager and the GLO. The new services will impact MUD 1 and 29, there is no difference in how billing is handled. This will improve water pressure and flow.

Bobby Enriquez with Southern Union Gas, stated that this is their 50th anniversary of serving Galveston Island. A discussion was held on how to get gas to those who don’t have gas. Southern Union competes with other companies and before installing a gas line, they have to look at the rate of return which is based on the potential number to be served in a particular area. They cannot cost justify installing a line for a few homes in a subdivision but need several homes. At Laffite’s Cove the reason they have gas lines in the subdivision is because the developer at that time, Mitchell Properties, paid for the installation.

Upon motion duly made by Sidney McClendon and seconded by Lynn Branch, the following resolution was unanimously adopted.

RESOLVED THAT, the Board thanked the City and County for their help on West Galveston Island.

There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 12:20 p.m.

Date: November 20, 1999